aug 6

As the weeks wind down in Austin I’ve been feeling excited / nervous for what’s ahead but also sad to be leaving.

What a change since the last post. We moved out of the apartment into an Airbnb and will remain in this rental / staying with friends situation until sometime mid-Sept. (Some Airbnbs are “homier” than others. The last place had an overly communicative host lol who’d message randomly to check in which made it difficult for me to relax.)

I’ve also been feeling more and more amped up for all the activity to come. It’s as if my body is bracing for impact and the sheer anticipation takes up more energy than the actual activity. I have a lot of solo time here to think here and since I have overall fewer social interactions, every interaction is amplified. It’s also been picking up at work, so that’s taking up more mind space as well. Super focused these days: pretty much just work, train, eat.


oct 17


june 20