day 15

Was chatting with a friend the other day who mentioned she’s experimenting with intuitive working.

It’s this concept where you work on your own schedule, even if outside traditional work hours. She said it’s helped with productivity and feeling less tired and guilty during the day.

In many ways, working from home allows us all to adopt some version of this, whether intentionally or to work around responsibilities at home.

This idea of waiting for the right moment is an accepted concept in the creative world. Is there always merit to just sticking to a schedule and doing it, even if your output at that moment is below average?

That got me thinking about other things to experiment with doing more “intuitively.”

I’d previously heard of intuitive eating, essentially a non-diet that says eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. But hunger is something most of us know innately. Knowing yourself well enough to track how productive you feel during the day somehow feels…harder.

Maybe intuition is something we can sharpen, a skill like memory. It’s defined as “the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.”

Seems like a worthwhile guiding principle to work on.


day 16


day 14