day 4
I’ve never known weekends to be slow. This is a new weekend lifestyle and I’m somewhat…enjoying it?
In 2019 my personal theme to “say yes.”
The goal was to train myself to overthink less. It was a fun year. I travelled a ton, developed a lot of friendships and had a packed social calendar. It was tiring at times but I got a lot of energy all the trips and activities. I re-connected with acquaintances over coffees/dinners on weekdays, joined weekend trips, checked in with old friends over text/FaceTime. I was a busy bee who didn’t know how to stop. (Also spent a lot of $ but that’s a separate topic.) By end of the year could feel myself burning out and started wondering if I just had an unhealthy obsession with putting colorful blocks on a calendar.
In 2020 to be more intentional about time & energy, my theme was to “say no.”
I wanted to learn to respect personal boundaries and to appreciate time spent alone. Over the past few months, I’ve learned to embrace this idea of self-care/wellness that I used to ignore. It’s too often this “face masks & bubble baths & going for walks” type advice which to me is rather vapid.
The mental health aspect, though, I could get behind. I care a lot about health and told myself it was time to stop letting mental health take a backseat to physical. They’re equally important and you can’t get stronger in one without the other. So while I still hold my baseless views of wellness being a thriving industry with BS marketing and products to sell (change my mind), I’ve come to accept it’s a very real priority.
Then all this hit.
I see now it’s been a blessing in disguise on the personal goals front. What better way than to force us to slow down than a literal quarantine where the government urges you to #stayathome? It’s perfect.
So here I am, about a month in having quit busy bee-ing cold turkey with who knows how much longer to go. It’s not so bad just ironic. Be careful what you wish for.